Note: This event can be viewed via Video On-Demand recording, which is available on Vimeo

12:00 p.m. – 12:10 p.m.

Dianne Devitt

12:10 p.m. – 12:50 p.m.
Hotel/venue contracts, client contracts and cancellation strategies (including Q&A)

Jonathan Howe, Esq.,
President, Howe & Hutton
More Info

12:50 p.m. – 1:50 p.m.
An overview for independents and small business owners on the CARES Act, small business loans, unemployment insurance changes, cash flow strategies with Q&A

Trina Rozen, CPA.
More Info
1:50 p.m. – 1:55 p.m.
Wellness Break – stretch, breathe, imbibe, revive
1:55 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Opinion on all

David Bruce,
Managing Director of CMP Meeting Services
and Founder of Alliance of Independent Meeting Professionals
More Info

2:15 p.m. – 2:35 p.m.
Covid19 is Here – You Need a Career Action Plan

Exploring options in today’s employment situation

Dawn Penfold,
President, Meeting Jobs
More Info
2:35 p.m. -2:55 p.m.
Internet privacy for independent planners

Jim Spellos,
More Info
2:55 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Wrap Up

NOTE: Qualified attendees will receive CEUs from the Events Industry Council .

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