Creativity’s Disorderly Journey to Stability

Creativity’s Disorderly Journey to Stability

Did you ever find that when you wanted an answer, it just didn’t come? Me, too. The word “creativity” comes from the 14th Century Latin word “creare,”  which means “to make happen.” It doesn’t say, “make happen on Dianne’s time,” it simply says, “to make...


The Dimensions of Loss and Where We Go From Here No one can speak about loss unless they’ve experienced it. How could they?  I am writing this article on the six-month anniversary of my mother’s passing, and I feel that loss. Period. But at the same time, I also...
Trust, Doubt and Creative Motivation

Trust, Doubt and Creative Motivation

…Because I know that you can do it.   I venture to guess that most of you reading this have heard these words at one time or another in your life.  Perhaps you remember that first time when someone ‘let go’ of the two-wheeler bicycle and you glided on...